Sunday, February 24, 2013

Only One Week Left!

Only one week left to support Dean Kavanagh's Fundit campaign for his next feature, A Harbour Town, which I previously posted about here. I've written a fair bit about Dean's work, but Donal Foreman summed him up best in five words: 'the future of Irish cinema'. Please help that exceptionally bright vision of the future arrive by donating generously...  

(And to get a sense of his previous feature, History of Water, take a peek at this lovely recent appreciation by Thai writer Jit Phokaew).

Thursday, February 21, 2013

GORGING LIMPET: First Glimpses of a Major New Project

For the past few months, a major new project has been quietly simmering, gradually preparing to surface... It's a collaboration between composer Karen Power and me. It's been generously funded by The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon. And it's called Gorging Limpet.

There's a few months to go before it emerges in its final form. Over the course of that time, further announcements will appear, giving more of a sense of its nature and final form. But if you're in Dublin on March 3rd, you might catch a first glimpse...

Karen and I will be working on the project at one of the Creative Labs at the New Music Dublin festival in The National Concert Hall over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd. There will be an informal public presentation of work done at these 'labs' at 3.30 on the Sunday afternoon. So if you're in the neighbourhood, please drop in. If not, watch this space...

Friday, February 08, 2013


My recent video, Areas of Sympathy, is now available for viewing online:

Dean Kavangh commented on this work:

"One of my favourite films of yours... Such a lexicon of film history is present, the weaving of the different sampled scenes and sequences... There is a lot going on in this film; when I open one door nothing shuts behind me, and I particularly loved the science-fiction element, it very much added grandeur to such small items of life but at the same time reveals the presence of the universe in even the most daily of things... The B&W was also very beautiful, faded, murky and soft like a dream. The audio is something else entirely, almost sounds as if it has been overheard and 'chinese-whispered' back to editor... It was very unsettling and the strange highs and lows (occasionally interrupted and mixed through what sounds like crows screaming) were quite hypnotic and vengeful."