Friday, August 21, 2009


Completed a 17-minute video, On Pause, over the past week. Both a note on the persistence and fragility of representation and a sort of personal stock-taking of work done over the past decade (yes, another one!), this combines video footage I shot in the '90s with my first, recent experiments with Super-8. Super-8 will soon be playing a major, if not dominant, role in my work.

In the meantime, I'm taking a short break from editing that wriggly, elusive Private Report in the interests of gaining some distance and, hopefully, energy for the next round with it. There is now a full rough cut for me to take apart again. Before that, I intend making a companion piece to On Pause, provisionally entitled This Video Is Still Here, and to shoot a certain amount of Super-8.

Then there is also the Ed Malone project, now called And The Poor Bird Died..., the rushes of which I've been reviewing lately...


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